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Volvo International Graduate Programme

1 Respuestas
1 Usuarios
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356 Visitas
Respuestas: 3875
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Registrado: hace 19 años

Des de Eures ens han fet arribar aquest comunicat sobre el programa per a graduats que actualment es troba en fase de recepció de candidatures.

Volvo Group would appreciate if you are able to forward the link below. Formany students it's hard to get the first experiance and this might be a chansfor the newly graduated. The programs are global (China, Sweden and othercountries). The link has been a little unpredictible, so maybe you need to tryit twice (it's heavely used).The Volvo Group consists of several different complanies (Trucks, buses,Construction Equipment etc., BUT NOT Volvo Cars)

Since it's differentcompanies, you apply to each programme to each company. In general it'spermanent positions from first day and a 12 month programme. Lastapplication day is 30th of september and in total they are looking for 23graduates. The programmes starts in January 2013.

+ Info del programa: http://www.volvogroup.com/group/global/en-gb/career/students/graduate_programs/pages/international_grad_progr.aspx " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
L'oferta a Eures: http://ec.europa.eu/eures/eures-searchengine/servlet/ShowJvServlet?lg=EN&pesId=32&uniqueJvId=4870671&nnImport=false " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
