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Respuestas: 3875
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Registrado: hace 19 años

HP University Barcelona is a “best-in-class training” delivered to excellent fresh graduates coming from all Europe.

Through this program, you will be actively participating in different training modules (Business insight, soft skills, marketing techniques, etc), using your knowledge to real business cases from a global perspective and working directly with our printer engines and technological solutions.

This experience will give you the opportunity to gain a clear strategic vision of the printing market, while acquiring a deep knowledge of HP products & solutions at our international office located in Barcelona, Spain.

After this one-month training fully delivered in English by talented professionals, outstanding participants will get the opportunity to join HP as employees.

The program cost will be funded by HP and you will receive financial support to fund your stay in Barcelona if you don’t live in the city.

We’re looking for highly motivated recently graduates in Business Administration and Engineeringwho are fluent in English and have outstanding analytical, communication and presentation skills.

Business Administration Profile

Recent graduates in Business Administration, Economics or similar
English Proficiency is a must.
The following language combinations will be highly appreciated:
Dutch & French
German & Dutch
Spanish &Italian
French & Italian
Business analysts also sought
Expertise in market share and units forecasting
Strong Excel and presentation skills
Good inter-personal abilities
Excellent communication skills
Self-motivation and confidence
Organized and responsible
Creative, social and with initiative
Graphic business background highly appreciated

Engineering Profile

Recent graduates in Engineering (Mechanical, Chemical, Process and Telecommunications Engineers).
English Proficiency is a must.
French, German or Italian, as well as other European languages, are highly appreciated.
Good Communication skills.
A passion for technology and deep interest in working with printers, presses and engines.
Project management and coordination skills.
Any knowledge and experience in Graphics or photo will be considered (colour management principles, relevant software).

If you are passionate about Business & Technology, Join HP University Barcelona! by sending your CV to hpuniversity.bcn@fue.es

Recruitment: Selection processes in every country prior to the final selection of candidates.
Deadline for applications: 30 July 2013

When: September 2013, Intensive training given by Hewlett Packard and Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Where: Barcelona, Spain
Monthly Grant: € 500 + travel and housing allowances (eligibility for non-residents in Barcelona).
Certification: Certificate in ongoing education awarded by Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.
Insurance: Accident insurance for the duration of the program.

12 respuestas
Respuestas: 3875
Topic starter
Registrado: hace 19 años

Ofertes de treball a Barcelona Digital Centre Tecnològic
Barcelona Digital Centre Tecnològic (BDigital) és un centre tecnològic avançat especialitzat en l’aplicació de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) en els camps de la Salut, la Seguretat, la Mobilitat i l’energia i l’Alimentació i el Medi Ambient.

MissióImpulsar el creixement del sector de les TIC i la transformació empresarial vers la nova Societat Digital, mitjançant la recerca i el desenvolupament de nous productes i serveis intensius en coneixement i d’alt valor afegit, per la millora de la competitivitat de l’economia catalana.

R+D+i Salut Investigador Disseny i desenvolupament de sistemes en Cloud i integració de serveis a plataforma WSO2 Ref: SALPC13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/SALPC13-cat.pdf " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
R+D+i Salut Investigador Investigador Sènior expert en Intel·ligència Artificial Ref: SALGY13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/SALGY13-cat.pdf " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
R+D+i Salut Responsable de projectes Responsable de projectes R+D per l’àrea de Salut Ref: SALRP13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/SALRP13-cat.pdf " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
R+D+i Seguretat Investigador Investigador en entorns mòbils per R+D+i Seguretat Ref: SEGMO13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/SEGMO13-cat.pdf " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
R+D+i Seguretat Investigador Investigador especialitzat en Frau i Cibercrim per a l'àrea d'R+D+i Seguretat Ref: SEGFR13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/SEGFR13-cat.pdf " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
R+D+i Analista Programador Analista Programador pels diferents projectes d'R+D Ref: CORDV13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/CORDV13-cat.pdf " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
R+D+i Alimentació i medi ambient Investigadors Investigadors en Intel·ligència Artificial per R+D+i Alimentació i Medi Ambient (Lleida) Ref: ALMGE13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/ALMGE13-cat.pdf " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
R+D+i Investigadors Investigadors en Intel·ligència Artificial per projectes d'R+D+i Ref: AIGEN13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/AIGEN13-cat.pdf " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
R+D+i Desenvolupadors Desenvolupadors per a projectes d’R+D+i en Seguretat, Mobilitat i Energia, Salut i Alimentació i Medi Ambient. Ref: DESGE13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/DESGE13-cat.pdf
R+D+i Mobilitat i energia Investigadors Investigadors en Intel·ligència Artificial per R+D+i Mobilitat i Energia Ref: MOBGE13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/MOBGE13-cat.pdf
R+D+i Salut Investigadors Investigadors de recerca aplicada i desenvolupament en àrees de serveis informàtics avançats i intel·ligència artificial aplicats a eHealth Ref: SALGE13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/SALGE13-cat.pdf
R+D+i Seguretat Investigadors Investigadors en Intel·ligència Artificial per R+D+i Seguretat Ref: SEGGE13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/SEGGE13-cat.pdf
R+D+i Becaris Col·laboradors becaris per a les diferents àrees d'R+D+i Ref: BECBD13: http://www.bdigital.org/ca/informacion/Documents/BECBD13-cat.pdf

Respuestas: 3875
Topic starter
Registrado: hace 19 años

- Controller de Gestión http://borsa.alumni.upc.edu/empleos/oferta/102737/controller-de-gestion.html " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Vodafone Sales Graduate Program_Barcelona http://borsa.alumni.upc.edu/empleos/oferta/103850/vodafone-sales-graduate-program-barcelona.html " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Operador/a Control Central http://borsa.alumni.upc.edu/empleos/oferta/102539/operador-a-control-central.html " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Casting engineer http://borsa.alumni.upc.edu/empleos/oferta/101694/casting-engineer.html " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Lead Process Engineer Upstream (m/f) http://borsa.alumni.upc.edu/empleos/oferta/102822/lead-process-engineer-upstream-m-f.html " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Mechanical Engineer Pipeline Systems (f/m) http://borsa.alumni.upc.edu/empleos/oferta/102825/mechanical-engineer-pipeline-systems-f-m.html " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Mechanical Engineer Plant Design (f/m) http://borsa.alumni.upc.edu/empleos/oferta/102823/mechanical-engineer-plant-design-f-m.html " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- ANALISTA PROGRAMADOR/A J2EE http://borsa.alumni.upc.edu/empleos/oferta/100226/analista-programador-a-j2ee.html " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- MANAGER DE MANTENIMIENTO http://borsa.alumni.upc.edu/empleos/oferta/102313/manager-de-mantenimiento.html " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
- Técnico/a Comercial http://borsa.alumni.upc.edu/empleos/oferta/104473/tecnico-a-comercial.html " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Respuestas: 3875
Topic starter
Registrado: hace 19 años

La Fundació SEPI convoca 50 beques, ampliables, corresponents al Programa XARXA ELÈCTRICA D'ESPANYA Pràctica + 2013, les característiques generals s'exposen en les Bases de la Convocatòria.

http://www.fundacionsepi.es/becas/reep-fsepi.asp " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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