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Practicas en CTAE

2 Respuestas
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174 Visitas
Respuestas: 3875
Topic starter
Registrado: hace 19 años

Un compañero de la Uni me acaba de pasar esto por si conocía a alguien que le interesara. No se las condiciones ni lo que pagan, eso lo mejor lo habláis con ellos...
Vacancy Code: CTAE-INTERNSHIP-2008-01
Publication Date: 2008-05-19
Closing Date: 2008-07-31
Location: CTAE, Viladecans, Spain
Desired Start Date: September 2008
Post Robot/human interface development
Duties Essential duties/responsibilities:
• Investigate robust HMI interfaces, e.g. Head Mounted Display (HMD).
• Investigation of virtual and augmented reality techniques and algorithms to fuse sensory
information, e.g. visual, radar, GIS, etc.
• Implementation of functional prototypes for proof of concepts.
Other considerations:
• Internship duration is from 6 to 12 months period.
• Part-time job during academic calendar.
• The post should drive to a final degree project.
Desired Qualifications Education:
• Working towards a master in Computer Science, Industrial or Electronics Engineering.
• Background in computer graphics and virtual/augmented reality is an asset.
• Experience in implementation of human/robotic interfaces is an asset, but not required.
Knowledge, skills and abilities:
• Knowledge of software design and modelling, e.g. UML, object oriented, etc.
• Programming experience in Matlab, C/C++, C#, Java or Python.
• Technical writing in English.
Application Procedure Send an email containing the CV and motivation letter in PDF to jobs@ctae.org.
Add to the subject line the job vacancy code.
Applications shall be processed within 1 month of the closing date.


Ranganok Schahzaman

1 respuesta
Respuestas: 564
Registrado: hace 18 años

qué agradable ver un anuncio del CTAE por aquí 🙂

a quien esté interesado, no perdáis de vista esa oportunidad, es muy recomendable. Estos chicos del CTAE tienen algunos proyectos muy interesantes en el campo aeroespacial. Probablemente el anuncio va orientado al proyecto HALCON.
